What I'm doing. Where I've been. What I saw. And why I shot it.


Friday, January 28, 2011


Gotta say this about Bobo, he exposes well.

Our old dog has so much long black hair, he sucks in all the light. No shadow detail at all. Photographer's nightmare.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

everything auld is new again

This image so says 1970's to me.  Tri-X push processed to 1600, with corners burnt in.  While opening the enlarger Fstop all the way. I can practically smell the fixer.
If it wasn't for the laptop, which wasn't even invented then.
Gotta love post-processing.

Happy 2011! Here's to a year full of new, old, pushed and pulled, reprocessed, rediscovered and newly adventured.